I agreed to speak at an international conference in Shanghai next Monday. 我答应下星期一在上海的一个国际性大会上讲话。
The Global Chemicals Outlook report will be discussed next week in Nairobi at the International Conference on Chemicals Management. 下周,《全球化学品展望》报告将会在内罗毕举行的国际化学品管理会议上被讨论。
International Conference against military pacts and bases, for international security and cooperation; 反对军事盟约和基地促进国际安全与合作国际会议;
We also need representatives who can command respect at the international conference tables of the world. 我们还需要有代表谁可以命令在世界的国际会议桌的尊重。
It was the largest international conference since the founding of the United Nations. 这是联合国成立以来规模最大的一次国际会议。
The North-South dialogue will be resumed in October at an international conference in geneva. 南北对话10月份将在日内瓦国际会议上继续进行。
In1961, the International Conference on Cataloguing Principles in Paris brought together key thinkers on the design of catalogs. 1961年,在巴黎召开的国际编目原理会议,集合了目录设计方面的重要的思想家。
International Conference on the settlement of the Laotian question; 关于解决老挝问题的国际会议;
International Conference on the human dimensions of africa's economic recovery and development; 非洲经济复苏和发展所涉人的问题国际会议;
The great powers held an international conference. 这些大国开了一次国际会议。
Abuja International Conference on africa: the challenge of economic recovery and accelerated development; 阿布贾非洲问题国际会议:经济复苏和加速发展的挑战;
International Conference on Poverty and Social Exclusion 贫穷和社会排斥问题国际会议
An international conference will be held in Beijing next month. 一个国际性的会议下月将在北京举行。
United Nations International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 联合国药物滥用和非法贩运问题国际会议
I shall shortly be attending an international conference. 不久,我就要去参加一个国际会议了。
Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development. 还注意到《发展筹资问题国际会议蒙特雷共识》。
The delegation thanked the government of Singapore for its determination and expertise in organizing such an important international conference. 该代表团感谢新加坡政府在组织如此重要的一次国际会议时表现的决心和能力。
His students attended him to the international conference. 他学生随他去参加国际会议。
Key actions for the further implementation of the programme of action of the International Conference on population and development; 为进一步执行国际人口与发展会议行动纲领采取的重大行动;
There will be an international conference in Beijing next month. I will apply to be a volunteer translator. 下个月一个国际会议将在北京召开。我想申请做志愿翻译人员。
An international conference on maritime piracy has called for a stronger partnership between countries and businesses to fight it. 一个海盗问题的国际会议呼吁国家和企业之间加强合作与海盗斗争。
They will spend much time and money in holding this international conference. 举办这次国际会议,他们要花很长时间和很多钱。
Thank you for inviting me to the "International Conference on Leadership". 谢谢你们邀请我参加“领导才能国际研讨会”。
Bureau of the Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on the Relationship between Disarmament and Development 裁军和发展之间关系国际会议筹备委员会主席团
International conference on monetary and financial issues 货币和金融问题国际会议
International Conference on Energy in Climate and Development 能源在气候和发展中的作用国际会议
Second International Conference on Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Development. 第二届遗产保护和可持续发展国际会议;
International Conference on peace and tolerance; 国际和平与容忍会议;
Non-governmental organization planning committee for the International Conference on population and development; 国际人口与发展会议非政府组织规划委员会;
The international conference was all over when I got there. 我到达那里时,国际会议已结束了。